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Best Web App Development Trends To Look Out For Going Into 2022

Are you a web app developer looking for all the web development trends that are thriving this year? You’ve come to the right place! In this blog, we’ll take a look at the top web app development trends in 2022.

best web app development trends

Every year, the website development market shifts slightly in its approach. And, if you look closely, you’ll notice that it’s becoming increasingly difficult for some businesses to survive in this competitive market. As a result, those who follow trends to provide a better user experience will survive in the field. You must create strong web products and incorporate the most effective features into them.

As a result, to save you time and effort, we have compiled a list of web app development trends by analyzing market demands in various IT fields.

Many of these trends we can find on the internet. These are likely to become much more common in the coming years. Let us take a look at the top ten web app development trends in 2022.

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

Progressive web apps (PWAs) in their most recent iteration will eventually replace web apps for good, even though this is not a new trend for 2022. PWAs (Progressive Web Apps) speed up the loading of websites. You can also use offline apps like Google Maps. PWAs have already been used by companies such as Starbucks, Uber, Pinterest, and Twitter to improve user experience.

The mobile phone is now the most common way to access the internet. Smartphones and tablets are for a wide range of online activities. As a result, it’s critical to rewrite web applications as PWAs. It can help the provider save money on development and provide seamless maintenance.

PWAs will be written in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, or Angular by 2022.

Dark Mode Standardization

Low-light & Dark looking websites have become increasingly popular in recent years. Dark mode user interfaces (UIs) will continue to be on websites and apps in 2022. According to studies, at least 8 out of 10 users prefer to use dark mode whenever possible.

This Mode has already been implemented on big apps like Facebook and Twitter. And depending on the choice, these apps make it simple to switch between the two modes. Now, that is available on a variety of other web applications. It is very simple to switch between the two modes in those apps. We can assume that by 2022, this option will be in almost every application.

AI Chatbots

AI ChatBots Web app development trends

AI chatbots are here to become even more sophisticated in 2022. Leveraging machine learning, natural language processing, and information retrieval techniques to meet the needs of users and match their behavior. AI Chatbots can collect data, respond to frequently asked questions, and resolve other issues. So, it allows customers to have a seamless digital experience with a business.

Many well-known B2C companies already use AI chatbots to assist their customers. According to Forbes, marketers’ use of AI grew by 190 percent between 2018 and 2020. Many of them operate through Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp, and Skype rather than traditional chatbots. In 2022, we can expect more businesses to embrace AI chatbots.

Single-Page Applications

Through single-page applications (SPAs) in the visitor’s browser, there will load a single HTML page. And, there will be dynamically up-to-date content as one needs without refreshing the page. Giant companies like Google, Facebook and Twitter, and others embrace SPAs. In Fact, SPAs are the most significant recent trends in the development industry.

SPAs consume less server space and provide information to users efficiently on a single page without the need to navigate around, in addition to being cost-effective and relatively easy to create thanks to the popular AngularJS framework. Because of these benefits, SPAs are in a win-win situation for both developers and site visitors. As online consumers demand faster and simpler app experiences, we can expect the SPA trend to continue into 2022.

Mobile-friendly Development

Mobile-friendly Development

Mobile devices cover 50% of the global web traffic. Therefore, if your web app isn’t mobile device friendly, you’ll miss out on half of that traffic. This year, being ‘mobile friendly’ entails biometric identification (fingerprint, voice), geolocation, one-click ordering, better user experience through data, etc.

Optimized Voice Search

Optimized Voice Search

Voice Search is first introduced in the tech market by Google. Also, Alexa and Siri are Amazon’s and Apple’s AI-based voice assistants. These are the most high-rated tools for Voice Search. Recently, research has shown that by 2022, 55% of modern households will have voice assistance.

Accelerated Mobile Pages

Accelerated mobile pages (AMP) were introduced by Google in 2015. It is to provide mobile users with lightning-fast digital experiences. Google’s AMP can help improve core business metrics such as the number of conversions on web pages, in addition to providing seamless user experiences and decreasing bounce rates.

Although AMP usage declining since 2020, it remains the most popular mobile technology. With 35 percent of websites using mobile technologies and more than half of the top 10,000 websites using it.

Serverless Architecture

Serverless Architechture

The search for technology that can help reduce system overloading, data loss, and development costs has been ongoing. This search resulted in the development of serverless technology.

Moreover, serverless architecture is based on cloud technology and enables users to run code for virtually any application or backend service with no administration. And, there is no need to provision, manage, or upgrade servers. Amazon, Google, and Microsoft are the most prominent companies that use and provide serverless architecture.

According to forecasts, the global serverless architecture market will grow from $7.6 billion in 2020 to $21.1 billion by 2025. It means that more companies are likely to enter this market in 2021 and beyond.

Motion UI

Motion UI

The users today expect digital experiences that are not only faster and more mobile-friendly, but also richer and more interactive. Therefore, Motion UI has become so popular. It is a front-end framework that enables developers to build fully responsive websites and mobile apps. Also, it uses predefined motions in native apps. Make an element slide, transition, spin, bounce, and do other things.

Native Cybersecurity

native Cybersecurity

One of the most pressing concerns for 2022 is cybersecurity, which is the practice of protecting data, networks, and computers from unauthorized access. Every business, regardless of size, is vulnerable. In June 2021, for example, hackers were able to scrape the accounts of 700 million LinkedIn users in order to obtain personal information such as full names, emails, and phone numbers.

Because of the alarming rise in cybercrime, website development has evolved to make it easier to safeguard company and customer data. Already, there has been a shift toward application-based multi-factor authentication, such as Google Authenticator, patch management, and Security Operation Centers (SOC).

Beyond monitoring tools and analytics checkpoints, we’ll see a continued rise in non-traditional methods to improve cybersecurity. And, because it is compatible with all web technologies and can be added anywhere on a website, Motion UI has had a significant impact on the industry since 2018.

However, thanks to the SASS libraries’ technology. Now, it has become more accessible. As a result, it will be one of the most important web development trends in 2022.

Wrapping Up

Finally, web development evolves in response to the needs and expectations of online users. Many of these trends are focusing on improving the user experience on mobile devices. And, others may be focusing on improving the user experience for smart wearables or devices we haven’t seen yet. Keeping up with web development trends can help you ensure that your website attracts and delights your visitors on a consistent basis.

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