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9 Awesome NextJS Starter Templates Worth Checking Out in 2024

Nextjs Starter Templates are fully functional & open-source website demos made with the Nextjs framework that you can import into your site. You can import the template and then modify it as you need. Also, you can add and design additional pages. And, Adding a legal page to your website is as simple as adding any other new page.

nextjs starter templates

Here, we are going to help you find the top 9 Nextjs Starter Templates that are open-source and might be useful for your next project.

Top Nextjs Starter Templates

The list below is in no particular order.

1. NextJS Landing Page – Starter Template

NextJS Landing Page Starter Template

This is a free & open-source landing page made with Nextjs, TailwindCSS 3, and TypeScript. It is built using Next.js, TypeScript, ESLint, Prettier, Husky, Lint-Staged, VSCode, Netlify, PostCSS, and TailwindCSS in mind. And, to use it on your next project, simply clone it, and you’re ready to go.

GitHub Demo

2. Notus Nextjs

Notus Nextjs

Notus is a beautiful UI Kit and Admin for Tailwind CSS and NextJS. The template has a lot of cool features that you can hardly find in any other starter templates. It includes dynamic NextJS components as well as multiple HTML and NextJS elements. Also, it includes presentation pages as well as admin dashboard pages. If you like vibrant colors, you’ll love this Free Tailwind CSS Template! It includes a plethora of components that can assist you in creating stunning websites.

GitHub Demo

3. Nextarter Chakra

nextarter chakra

This is another great example of Nextjs Starter Templates. The template has features like PWA ready, SEO optimization ready, basic responsive layouts, etc. It has all the toolings for lining, formatting, and conventions. So, this is a Nextjs project using create-next-app and has Chakra UI and TypeScript setup. With this starter template, you can begin developing immediately!

GitHub Demo

4. Next Shopify Starter – Nextjs Starter Template

nextjs shopify starter software

Next Shopify Starter is a fully functional eCommerce store. It interacts with your Shopify backend using Next.js + Tailwind CSS on the front end and the Shopify Storefront API on the back end. Furthermore, it uses GraphQL to query Shopify data and save cart information in localStorage to keep the user session alive.

Also, it has Shopify Checkout, which allows the user to purchase the items. This is demonstrated in the example store. The shop is functional and you can purchase stickers.

GitHub Demo

5. Next SaaS Starter – Nextjs Starter Template

Nextjs Saas starter

Next Saas Starter is a free Nextjs responsive Starter Landing Page Template. It is for Saas products built using JAMStack architecture. If you need to make a marketing website with Nextjs and a great landing page with amazing SEO metrics, Green Web vitals, Performance, and a Clean & Pragmatic Codebase, you can consider this starter template.

Also, it has more features such as Dark mode available, customization options, Mailchimp integration for the newsletter, the blog section with MDX, one-click deployment, ESLint, etc. Make sure to check out.

GitHub Demo

6. NextJS Material Kit

nextjs material kit

NextJS Material Kit is a Free Material-UI Kit. It is built with NextJS. Begin with this starter project created with Material-UI and Material Kit React. It has a visually appealing set of components. Along with the restyled Material-UI elements, there are three fully-coded example pages to assist you in designing your NextJS project. It has a ton of features with all the latest updates available.

GitHub Demo

7. Nextjs Advanced Starter

advanced starter nextjs

This is an opinionated Next.js starter skeleton with advanced features. You can use Tailwind CSS, ESLint, Prettier, and absolute imports right away with this starter template. It is also a zero-config template that is easily extendable for both pros and beginners. Don’t forget to check it out.

GitHub Demo

8. Nextal – Nextjs Starter Template

Nextal Nextjs Starter Template

This is also an excellent NextJs with a TypeScript starter template. It supports Tailwind with CSS Modules. Also, there is Jest and @react/testing-library are set up and ready to use. Moreover, the components here include ESLint, Prettier, Husky, Commit-lint, and Atomic Design.

GitHub Demo

9. Next Starter – Nextjs Starter Template

Next Starter is a Next.js Starter using Nextjs, GraphQL, TypeScript, Babel, and other amazing technologies. This is a complete product. Starter template for Next.js. This boilerplate is used in the production of the Erion Classroom. With secure, httpOnly options, you can store the authentication status in a cookie.

Note: However, now this repository has been archived by the owner. It is now read-only.

GitHub Demo

Wrapping Up

Finally, your search for good Nextjs Starter Templates appears to be over. It is critical to choose the right Starter Template, especially for scaling, future app or website maintenance, configuration setup, and so on. We wish you continued success with your Nextjs projects.

Happy Coding!

About Us

At UI-Lib, we develop high-quality free & premium software, templates, design systems, and more. We’re all about delivering services that make a coder’s life easier.

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