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10 Angular Admin Templates You Should Check Out in 2022

Are you an Angular Developer looking for some really amazing Admin Templates? Look no further. In this blog, we will give you the list of the top 10 free & premium Angular Admin Templates that you should definitely check out in 2022.

admin template
MatX – Angular Admin Dashboard Template

Using an admin template to create a dashboard web application is one of the quickest ways to get your project up and running. Admin templates most likely help you build the front-end of your web application in the fastest possible time. They save you both the development time and cost. If you know how to choose an admin template and also know how to implement it in the best possible way, you will see amazing results.

When you have a limited budget and a tight deadline, a good template is your best friend. They guarantee a responsive UI, a great UX, Dark/Light modes, RTL, Multilingual support, apps (charts, to-do lists, etc), and whatnot. And now, without further ado! Let us now look at the top 10 Angular admin templates that are currently popular on the internet.

Best Angular Admin Templates

Angular is an open-source front-end web application development framework built on TypeScript. When it comes to creating an admin dashboard, there is no doubt that a high-quality Angular admin template can provide your project with excellent usability and features.

However, selecting the best suitable admin template based on your project requirements is quite a challenge. So, we curated some of them that have a wide range of components, features, and customization options.

Please keep in mind that the list below is in no particular order.

1. Egret – Angular 14+ Material Design Admin Template

egret angular material admin template

Egret is an Admin Template built using Angular 14+ & Material Design. It has a large collection of responsive and reusable components. The template gives you access to everything you need to start on your ERP, CRM, or CMS project. There are multiple layouts, lazy loading, dynamic breadcrumbs, and page titles. Also, here you will find model-driven dynamic navigation and multi-language support.

Moreover, with the template, you will have a wide range of customization options, and prebuilt Dark & Light themes. And, it is good news that the template has no JQuery. Also, it does not have Bootstrap. It’s completely a TypeScript Angular admin dashboard template.

Built with Angular Material, Flex Layout, and Angular CLI. No Bootstrap!, No jQuery! A pure Typescript Angular admin dashboard!

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2. MatX – Free Angular Admin Template

matx free angular admin template

MatX Angular is a free Angular Admin Template. It has the official Material Design components library from Angular. The styles in this dashboard template are written in SCSS. It includes a wide variety of features for your web app development.

There are JWT Authentication, lazy loaded modules, verticle navigation, and model-driven menu items. Also, here you will find pages like sign in, sign up, forget the password, lock screen, and more. Specifically, you can use this free version template for ERP, CRM, and CMS web app projects. The codes here are well written & structured and also the dashboard is well documented.

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3. Gull

gull angular admin template

Gull Angular 14+ Bootstrap 5 Admin Template is a clean design with a modular code structure that makes Angular-based software development easier and faster. It can be used to create custom admin panels, admin dashboards, accounting software, project management, chat applications, calendar schedule apps, eCommerce backends, CMS, CRM, ERP, or SAAS. Built-in angular components will drastically reduce development time.

You don’t need to write any business logic on the front if you use Gull’s ready-made apps. All you need is a REST API linked to ready-made apps. Also, the template makes use of an in-memory DB API. This means that the table and app demo data comes from an HTTPS call within Angular services.

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4. Xtreme – Angular 13 Admin Template

xtreme angular admin template

Xtreme Angular Dashboard is an admin dashboard and control admin panel template for Angular 13 / CLI WebApps. It is a completely responsive Angular 13 / CLI template built on the Angular framework.

For your backend application user interface, the template offers more than 850-page templates, over 50 ready-to-use Angular components, 10 unique dashboards & demonstrations, and much more. Moreover, its modular design makes it simple to tweak and extend.

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5. Lucid – Angular Admin Template

lucid anguar admin template

Another well-structured and documented template is the Lucid Angular Admin template. It’s created using the Angular 13x + Bootstrap 4x framework and is highly responsive. You can use it as an Angular application because it has a consistent design.

It has a one-of-a-kind dashboard with 50 pages, a timeline view, and easily accessible menu styles. To ensure design consistency, it uses all of the Bootstrap components with Angular layout standards and restyles numerous common plugins.

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6. Enlink – Angular 13 Admin Template


Enlink is a modern dashboard template that was created with Angular 13 and Ng-Zorro. It has a lot of highly configurable and flexible components that are developed in TypeScript and have well-defined types. Developers may quickly build any project with thorough documentation and clean code! Explore its live preview and details page below.

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7. Skote – Angular 13 Admin Dashboard Template

skote dashboard

Skote is an Angular 13 Bootstrap 5 admin dashboard template with a fake backend, Firebase authentication, and language support, as well as developer-friendly coding. This is a template with reusable components that do not need jQuery. With the template, you will get the Sketch, Figma, and XD files, as well as Starterkit.

It also includes dark and light layouts, as well as RTL options. You can create whatever form of the online application you desire, including SaaS interfaces, eCommerce, CRM, CMS, Project management apps, Admin Panels, and so on.

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8. NGX-Admin – Angular 10 Admin Template

ngx admin

NGX is a free Angular Admin template (v10) with 4 themes and 2 dashboards. Also, it has an outstanding UI architecture. It’s simple to change the themes and find the right fit for your company. With the template, the developers can focus much better on the business needs rather than wasting time thinking about creating the UI. There are a large number of customized UI components, charts, maps, editors, tables, etc.

Moreover, it looks stunning because of its amazing responsiveness and perfectly delivers the large screen experience for desktop views. It regularly keeps updating to meet your requirements. And guess what! With NGX, you will have large community support. So far, it has more than 23k GitHub stars and 7.6k forks. Last but not least, it has a wide range of themes available. Therefore, make sure to check out.

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9. Fuse

fuse dashboard

Fuse is a multi-layout, flexible Angular 14+ & TailwindCSS admin template. It includes bespoke App and Page layouts, as well as UI elements and the best UX standards. The multi-layout configuration allows you to use multiple template layouts without affecting the overall structure. It also allows you to use a different layout for each route.

You can be sure about the fact that the template is flexible because it allows you to have any kind of page design within the same codebase. You don’t have to hide/show the layout level elements like navigation, header, or footer all the time. Moreover, it has features like Dark light color schemes, full Angular Material theming support with customizable colors, a ton of applications, and so on.

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10. NobleUI

Noble UI

NobleUi – Angular Admin Template is a lightweight and powerful dashboard template. It is built using Angular 13+ and the Bootstrap 5x Framework. It contains a large library of reusable user interface components and so many designs available for the dashboard. Also, it includes both RTL and LTR support and has a ton of applications.

The template makes it easier to edit the styles with SASS. And, all of the styles are simple to grasp as they are made using SASS. No surprise, it is a fully responsive admin dashboard that works with all major online browsers and mobile devices. There is no reliance on JQuery.

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Summing Up

At this point, I believe you’ve discovered what you were looking for. Finding the best suitable admin template is difficult for many of us. Therefore, we came up with the concept of providing our readers with a step-by-step guide to purchasing the perfect admin template. You can also read this guide to ensure everything is in order.

how to choose an admin template
How to Choose An Admin Template – UI-Lib’s Blog

As a software company, we create many of these templates and can guarantee that we’re one of the best in the market in terms of both product quality, positivity, and support.

Thank you for your time.

About Us

At UI-Lib, we develop high-quality free & premium software, templates, design systems, and more. We’re all about delivering services that make a coder’s life easier.

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